Important Changes Made By Twitter

Twitter is known to have more number of active users on monthly basis when compared to other social media platforms. Most of the people all across the globe have been using Twitter for various purposes. There have been a number of new features available in Twitter that makes it very interesting to use and regularly some of the changes have been made to attract more people to their platform. Here are some of the latest changes which have helped Twitter to improve its presence among its users.

1. Verified Twitter accounts- This was normally available only for the selected account holders in Twitter and it has been changed now. Twitter has made an announcement that they will provide a simple verification application process for all its active users. Even though this change is considered to be a good option by many Twitter users, it is also known to be available without real value. Verified Twitter accounts is available with lot of different for its users and mainly this is helpful for those who like to spend most of the time in this social media platform. There are features such as advanced notification filters in Twitter and Direct Messages that helps the users with more hard control of the content that they are able to see. This can also help in preventing cyber bullying that has been one of the main concerns for the people on the social media platform.

2. iOS composer- Twitter has been testing a new design for its tweet composer with the iOS app which will help the people to use it very easily. This change in the iOS app looks similar to the Twitter website which is available with the compose window as well as button. The new design features tweet composer on top of the timeline and it also features camera icon to add images, videos or a live stream. Even though this is still in the testing period, there is no official announcement made by Twitter that when this changes will take place.

3. Sporting event streams- After streaming Wimbledon live in Twitter, it is also possible to see live streams of MLB, NFL, NHL and other sports. But there are few restrictions for viewing all these sports in Twitter as some of the sports will not be available for streaming. Some of the sporting event streaming in Twitter is available for free in some part of the world.

4. Branding- Twitter has been able to brand most of the big companies due to their new marketing ideas which includes special ads that can help the Twitter users to learn easily about using their service. Some of the features available in Twitter have been helpful for business people to develop their brand and also reach the people in a large area. Brands will be able to get the answers about improving their business by asking people question in this social medial platform that looking for other sources for the answers.

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