With reporting system on social media it is possible to streamline your marketing process. Most of the time people will be made in charge for reporting social media results. It is easy to develop your own reporting system by following these simple methods. To start you must first assess your situation and select the tools if required. You can also use metrics and use various methods to prepare your social media report.
1. Recognize your target- This is the first and most important step where you have to do an audit related to your present reporting process. Make sure to know whom to report and reports must be useful for everyone involved in it. Try to understand what actions the report is taken which will help you to know whether the report can be sent in future in the same without wasting any time in preparing other types of reports. In case you are the owner of the company, try to identify your performance using the report and how to use the information in it.
2. Look for metrics- Once you have decided the details to be included in your report, look for the metrics that can be used in various situations to make most out of your business. Try to determine how many potential audiences you have and track their discussion as well as brand mentions. Also know their engagement type with your social media account and posts they make. You must also have the details like who are all entering into the conversation with influencers as well as users. Also keep an eye on your posts that perform best as well as worst.
3. Using analytics tools- There are lots of analytics tools available online to measure your social media result, but only few of them can be suitable for your business. If you select one of the tools for measure the social media it will not give you the exact result as each tool will suggest the result based on different perspective. But there will be a tool that can be used to get proper results for your social media activities and the best tools will start to grow based on the social networks. Try to select one of the best tools that is suitable for your business and stick to it for a longer time.
4. Reporting time-frame- Now you have to find the right time-frame to send your reports consisting of top posts of the week, information about the new campaign and even details related to a new product launch. You can send your report on weekly basis and even monthly basis as per your stakeholder’s interest and sometime you can even send an answer only for key questions.
5. Important requests- Whenever you receive an important request for custom reports, you can consider whether to take this request seriously or leave it. If you have previous requests pending, try to avoid taking new requests as it will add more pressure on you.
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